ATAQ: How can I be so blessed and depressed at the same time?

Many times I’ve heard people say that they feel so blessed in their lives and so fortunate, yet they feel depressed and they don’t know why. Some of them feel guilty about it, and others are just confused. Well, I have news for you: Gratitude and depression are NOT mutually exclusive. How can this be true? First, consider genetics: Just like our parents can pass on their eye color or skin tone or … [Read more...]

Marriage on Autopilot

The other day, we were in the car headed to the airport. I looked in my bag to make sure I had my phone, and I could not find it but felt certain I threw it in there. Just as I was about to ask my husband to turn around, I set the bag back on the floorboard and found the phone sitting in my lap. To my credit, it did kind of blend in with the dress I was wearing. Ok, not really, but it did get me … [Read more...]