Bullying: A Lesson from Shakespeare

I was bullied. This is my story of resilience through understanding and choice. Bullying isn't just between kids at school--abuse, narcissism and racism are forms of bullying, too. Bullying is completely unnecessary and mean. Please share this article with young people. It doesn’t matter whether they are perpetrators of bullying or survivors of it; both groups need insight into the underpinnings … [Read more...]

What do I say to others’ parenting interference?

ATAQ: “What do you do when parents and grandparents in your family give unsolicited advice or even try to undermine your parenting? For example, my mother-in-law tries to argue with me about my son being grounded and unable to go anywhere, even another family member’s house. Sometimes, she even launches into a spiel about how she used to parent, with the implication that I should be doing it her … [Read more...]

Should parents make their child stay involved?

ATAQ: Should parents make their child stay involved in something if the parents believe the child wants to quit for the wrong reason? This one is tricky, so I’ll give my most diplomatic answer: It depends. Honestly, it does depend on a number of factors, such as age, child’s interest level going in, whether it involves a team that he’s already committed to, type of child, what else is going on … [Read more...]

Parenting Tips for the Holidays

In a world where friends and family members can be across the globe from one another, travel is quickly becoming a normal part of life for more and more families. Because travel necessitates a change to our daily routines and schedules, though, it can prove very challenging for children. Just like adults, children want predictability and control. When things change due to holiday schedules and … [Read more...]