My Videos: YouTube Channel and The Psych with a Mic on Facebook

If you're like me, you don't have time to sit down and read as often as you'd like. This section of my website will give you video options for accessing my content. My Facebook videos are below, and you can also check out my YouTube channel, "Mend Your Mind," for additional content.


The videos on my channel provide a great way to get information on-the-go. You can listen to the videos while you're doing laundry, getting ready in the morning, putzing around the kitchen or commuting. Or, maybe you're just not much of a reader and prefer audio format for your information.


If you like my content, be sure to tap the thumbs up icon. This lets me know what topics are most interesting to people and thereby directs me in future publications. Also, don't forget to subscribe and turn on YouTube notifications for my channel so that you will be alerted whenever I share new information.

Perception is Reality DISCLAIMER: Material on this site is for informational purposes only. The content of this site is not intended to be a substitute for evaluation or treatment by a licensed professional. Information contained on this site should not be used to diagnose or treat a mental health issue without consulting a qualified provider. The use of this website does not convey any … [Read more...]