What’s Your W.O.T.Y.?

Last January, a friend of mine posted that she was working on her Word of the Year (WOTY). When I first read this, I thought, “Oh, joy. Someone has created another pop psychology trend to sell special journals and stuff. It will take over social media for the next 30 days and then disappear overnight like a parking lot carnival.”  But, I have to admit, the idea lingered in my mind… As I … [Read more...]

This Letting Go Stuff Sucks!

The past few weeks have been about letting go for me. I've had to let go of people, money, sadness, regret, pride and fear. As I write this, I'm thinking, "Gosh, it sounds like a really awful few weeks when I write it all out like that!" But, you know me, I'm looking for what I'm supposed to learn and share with others! So, here goes...   The issues I've been letting go of were issues … [Read more...]

Permanent Change, Part II: Just Do It!

Thank you, Nike, for that awesome motto that has oh so many applications! This blog is a follow-on to my previous blog, Permanent Change, Part I: Getting Motivated. As promised, this blog will discuss just how we go about real, lasting personal change. Mahatma Gandhi said, “If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the … [Read more...]


This week's blog has a bit of a different flavor. It's an interactive blog. I want your input! Here are some things on which I'd like to have feedback:  What do you think of the website--the organization, the presentation, the information? What are your ideas for blog topics? What things are of interest to you? What could you use some help with? What questions do you have? What … [Read more...]

Here We Go…

Welcome to my website! It's definitely a work-in-progress, and any feedback or input is appreciated. Like many things, creating this site has been fun and challenging at the same time--I have kind of a love/hate relationship with it right now! This is most certainly not my lane, but I'm trying to expand my horizons. : ) I'm not sure of the format my blog will take--that sounds so strange, I never … [Read more...]